Wednesday, October 27, 2010

American Slideshow and Captions

A.) I think that the most powerful picture is found in chapter 5, 19th photo. There isn't any distractions in the background, so the subjects just pops out really well. I think this picture is great, even though it's unbalanced. The army men look so strong and I just think it's a good picture.

B.) I believe all of chapter 1 is the strongest sequence of photos because it shows him enlisting in the army and you can see the emotion, not only in his eyes, but also his parents. It shows the realities of going into the army right after high school and it's pretty touching.

C.) These images show the main points of Ian's life and they tell a story because the images come like right after the other. Every picture tells a section of the whole story, but these pictures work really well together because after one section or one picture, the next picture comes and tells another section. They all fit well together and there's a lot of emotion in each picture.

3A.)The verbs are written in present tense.

B.) The captions enhance the photos because they say what the picture is showing. They give you some insight and what Ian is saying or thinking at the time that the picture was taken.They also tell you what the picture doesn't, such as what's going to happen after or right before the picture was taken.

4A.) Chapter 8, pic. 18: Coming Home
Ian Fisher toasts with his friends Jonathan and Harvey on the night he gets home from Iraq while his girlfriend, Jenny, is in the background just watching. This is the first time Ian has seen Johnathan and Harvey in over a year and they toast to making more memories and having more fun times, just like in the good old days.
2. Chapter 2, pic. 6: In The Army
Ian Fisher closes his eyes and reminisces while he is getting his hair shaved, in his third day in the army. Ian has had his head shaved numerable times, so this isn't a big deal for him.
3. Chapter 5, pic. 24: Army Blues
Ian's dad, Mark, awakens him for his big day to go to Basic Training in Little Rock, Arkansas. Ian's mother was in the kitchen cooking him up a good breakfast for his last day at home.

5A.) These videos enhance the photographs because they basically give a detailed description about the photographs and you can hear the emotion in the voices and the background music just creates that feeling of  sadness.
B.) Videos are sometimes better than photographs because you don't have to analyze the picture as much to figure out what's really going on Videos just tell and show you everything. They use the elements of sound, along with sight to tell a story, even though pictures just use sight. An example would be the Video Chapter 2-First Days and Second Thoughts video.
C.) I think videos are better than photographs because with photographs, you can see the emotion but in videos not only can you see it, but hear it too. I think videos tell the story better because you can hear a lot of different points of view, unlike in photographs, you can only see one side of things.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Contests Preview, Show and Tell

Association of Texas Photography Instructors
2009 Fall Contest Winners

In this picture, the lighting is mostly focused on the bottom half of the photograph, focusing on all the shoes scattered at the bottom. What grabbed my attention was all the different colors that are on the girl and the shoes. It's well balanced because the girl is positioned to the right and the left side is filled up by all the shoes.   

Funny Captions :)

The Taylor family car stops under this bridge-looking tree on Lonesome Rd. and decide to take pictures of the rabbits that are coming out from above the tree. Notice that the car was coming from a dead end; the road ends once you keep going after you go through the bridge. 

Billy is trying to teach his goat how to fly, so he pushes him off a plane and the poor goat is terrified to die. Unfortunately, while the goat was screaming his ass off, his tongue got tangled on an electric wire and electrocuted his whole mouth. 

The rest of Cinthia's bike has been stolen because she keeps forgetting to give the mailman his Christmas present. It's a good thing she at least has a tire left; maybe she can finally practice using a unicycle.  

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Marlboro Marine

2A.) Luis Sinco utilized his skills of friendlyness and care to approach his friend James Blake Miller and get close to him, to try to help him.

B.) The effect of the multimedia effects of the slideshow make it seem more story-like and it kind of added more significance in trying to make us get feelings toward the slideshow.

3A.) I think that the most powerful image from the slideshow would have to be the one where Miller is leaning, with a cigarette in his mouth. To me, it seems powerful because you can see the bravery in his face and how he's all dirty from his hard working job. Just the expression in his face makes the picture powerful.

B.) The sequence of photographs that is most powerful is the ones that were used at the beggining of the slideshow, grabbing the audience's attention and trying to make us feel something.

C.) The audio enhances the slide show as back up. The audio tells the story, the struggle that's going on and the tone in the speakers voice.

D.) The complied images show the story, the actual real life people involved in Blake's life.

Marlboro Marine

2A.) Luis Sinco utilized his skills of friendlyness and care to approach his friend James Blake Miller and get close to him, to try to help him.

B.) The effect of the multimedia effects of the slideshow make it seem more story-like and it kind of added more significance in trying to make us get feelings toward the slideshow.

3A.) I think that the most powerful image from the slideshow would have to be the one where Miller is leaning, with a cigarette in his mouth. To me, it seems powerful because you can see the bravery in his face and how he's all dirty from his hard working job. Just the expression in his face makes the picture powerful.

B.) The sequence of photographs that is most powerful is the ones that were used at the beggining of the slideshow, grabbing the audience's attention and trying to make us feel something.

C.) The audio enhances the slide show as back up. The audio tells the story, the struggle that's going on and the tone in the speakers voice.

D.) The complied images show the story, the actual real life people involved in Blake's life.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Great B&W photographers

What first caught my eye from this picture was the winding road, that isn't all straight from the front view to the distance and how you can't see where it ends. Mainly what I see here is the lonely road, mountains in the background and the puffy clouds in the sky. I can smell the dead cow that's been on the roadside for weeks. I can hear the old windmill blowing back in the distance. I can taste the dry dessert heat in my mouth. I feel the hot sweat running down my forehead and cheeks.

What first caught my eye in this picture was the crippled man standing right in the middle of the photograph. I can see the man facing to his left side, maybe talking to his wife. I smell the aroma from the food cooking in the kitchen, which is where he's headed. I hear his wife yelling at him for being outside in the cold under his special conditions. I feel the chilly wind blowing against my face, since it's a windy December evening.

I think that one good way to spread the word on photography and share everyone else's work would have to be by blogging, like the one I just did above and the ones we do in this class.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Filling the Frame

This picture "Fills the Frame" in a very good way because everything seems in place, like there's no empty spaces, it's all filled up in a proportioned way. It grabs the attention with the colorful carpet and all the kids sitting around it.

Action and Emotion

This picture shows action by this woman leading a band in what seems like a game. There's also action and movement going on in the background, with the people playing the instruments and stuff. I'm pretty sure the emotions here are probably like excitement and nervousness, since they're performing publicly.

The Story

I chose this picture as the "The story" because it's like a shot taken right when the man is about to tell the little girl something. I think he's trying to tell her to watch out and not be playing around or something. I've comed to this conclusion because of all the things piled in the background and maybe the girl was running or something and this guy is getting her attention.